The primary purpose of this website is for uploading all my knowledges.
As we are living in knowledge-based era, we cannot memorize all the knowledges in our brain nor we need to.
That's why I'm saving all my knowledges through this website
Someone might ask, 'Hey, can't you just save your knowledges in your own notebook or Word documentation?
My answer is "Yes of course I can, but it's more fun to share knowledges with people as I am the curious man, and by uploading it, my website can help people."
Here comes my secondary purpose.
To share accurate knowledges.
There are tons of knowledges out in the internet.
But you know it's not all truthworthy.
some of them might be false, some might be ads.
In this website, you will see substantially accurate information as I am making this website just for my personal purpose.
I will mark the updated date and references.
This wil help you to judge you could rely on the documentation or not.
There might be inaccurate information in this website.
Please rely on your judgement rather than following it blindly
There are layers of documentations in this website.
They consists of,
Knowledge: It includes, academic knowledge, engineering knowledge(As I'm in mechanical engineering), people, music, neuroscience, and something miscellaneous knowledge.
Projects: My personal projects. Making something, accomplishing something, etc. It seems like experience or knowledge, but somewhere in betweeen.
Experiences: My personal experiences including my childhood, college, military service, etc. This can tell you who I am and how I lived so far.
You can just surf around my website what I have done and look for useful knowledges and information.
Collapsable sidebar
This is one of the most useful feature of this website.
When you're digging in the website, you sometimes get lost.
The sidebar at the left of your screen will help you to navigate thorugh the website.
Click the sidebar, and it will be expanded or collapsed.
Click the item that you want to navigate and it will take you there!
In this bar section
This is useful when you navigate in a page.
Look at the rightside of your screen, and there are items that are listed in this page.
Click it, and it will navigate you there.
Search bar
Use search bar at the top left of the screen to find information quickly!
You can donate to encourage me to upload useful and accurate information.
Social Links
You can navigate to my social links including youtube, linkedin, github and instagram